A Simple Hack Successful Business Owners Are Using On Their Website to Attract New Customers

Do you want to know a simple hack successful small business owners are using on their website to attract new customers?

Yes? Welcome. At Introspec Marketing, we specialize in cutting-edge web design services tailored to the needs of construction, architecture, home building, lodging, design companies, and small business entrepreneurs. Today, I will show you how to attract new customers with just one simple change that takes less than 15 minutes to implement--especially good if you have a page that is underperforming.

But first, let me tell you about Drive Reduction Theory, so you can do just that. 

Drive Reduction Theory is all about satisfying our needs. It was developed by Clark Hull in 1943.  It states that we all have needs that drive us to act when there is tension that disrupts our balance or homeostasis. According to Brittanica, a drive in psychology is "...an urgent basic need pressing for satisfaction, usually rooted in some physiological tension, deficiency, or imbalance (e.g., hunger and thirst) and impelling the organism to action."

These drives can be primary or secondary. Primary drives relate to our survival such as hunger or thirst. Secondary drives relate to our identity. 

And, here's why this is important:

If you understand the Drive Reduction Theory, you can apply it to your website pages in a way that attracts new customers because they are more likely to respond to your call to action. 

And, here's what you need to do:

Take an underperforming page and add a clear benefit to your headline PLUS a curiosity hook or information gap. Creating a gap between what we know and what we want to know will disrupt a state of balance. Because our brains have an innate desire to close information gaps much like hunger or thirst, your website readers will be stimulated to act. It's part of our cognition. 

Now, I will share some highly converting  formulas for headlines that evoke curiosity that you can start using today to attract new customers:

  • How [I/We/CompanyX] [Achieved Something Specific] in [Time Frame] Without [something predictable]. Example: How I Get Rid of My Headaches in just 15 Minutes Without Taking Medicine

  • The Little Known Secret to [Benefit] Even If [Fear, struggle or identifier]. Example: The Little Known Secret to Gaining Confidence Even If You Are Super Shy.

  • 7 Little Known Ways to [Benefit] in Just [Irresistible Time Frame]. Example: 7 Little-Known Ways to Write a Highly Converting Blog Post in Just 15 Minutes.

  • These [insert target demographic] were able to [insert benefit ] without [insert struggle]: Do you want to know their #1 secret? Example: These Busy Moms Were Able to Lose Weight Without Sacrifice: Do You Want to Know Their #1 Secret?

  • [undesired result] + [mysterious solution]. Example: Stop Feeling Tired: 5 Often Misunderstood Facts About Your Fatigue

And for the last example, I will leave you with the most famous cliffhanger...copy that has been swiped hundreds of times since it was first written by John Caples, master of direct mail advertising, almost a hundred years ago.

Mr. Caples was known for applying the scientific method to his advertising techniques. He was a huge fan of tapping into neuroscience. Check out the ad copy: 

John Caples famous advertising campaign strategy that may work on your website

And, there you have it.

Next time you write anything on your website, make sure you use the benefit + cliffhanger/curiosity hook as part of your headline to attract new customers.

Brian Dean with Backlinko reports a website conversion rate of 21.7% with this technique. 

But, you can't stop here...

To increase the relevancy of your offer and messaging, it is fundamental that you understand the psychology behind client motivation. This level of understanding will enable you to create an offer that is a perfect fit for your target market’s values, preferences, and attitudes. 

If you found value in this simple suggestion but are struggling with the complexities of web design, why not arrange a free chat with me? Let's work together to create a tailored website that your target audience can't resist.

PS: Don't forget to include a strong call to action on each page of your website!


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